Saturday 22 January 2011

Fellowship of The Mine + Metal Gear Rising!!

Heya guys and welcome to a new post! I hope you will stick around long enough to tread this as I want to try get some very good points across to you, the gamers :) In this post, I will covering Minecraft and my recently regain addiction to the game and something which has swung back into the frame of things, Metal Gear Rising...

Metal Gear Rising

Most people that know me will know I am a die-hard Metal Gear fan...I absolutely love the franchise and everything about it. Playing through the main series of Metal Gear Solid 1 through to 4. I have never felt some emotionally connected to a game ever. The Metal Gear Solid series is what I feel an underrated game which has not received the glory it deserves yet, but I guess that is a good thing, because we keep the true games away from the annoying 10 year old Modern Warfare 2 kids away. (YA LITTLE RAT BASTARDS!) Anyway back to the point...I came across some screenshots of concept of the menu screen for the upcoming Metal Gear Rising (MGR, which I can not wait for <3) The screen shots have been confirmed real, but definately not what what they might turn out to look like in the finalised version of the game. For those who have not seen them. You can view them below. From the looks of screenshots, multi-player has been confirmed for the game (GET IN!). What it will be like? We still have no idea.

The start up screen

The Main Menu, as you can see multi-player is an option

Options menu

Controllers option
The game is scheduled for 2011, but from a recent interview, the release date may be pushed to 2012 (NOOOOO!). The game so far is looking rather nice, with a whole new game engine and the new slash system. Personally, with a new producer behind this game and from what interviews I have read, this game will not be a story in-depth game, which makes me believe this will not be a true Metal Gear game, but the closest it can get to one, but I guess we will see.  


I dunno what it is, but I have found my loved addiction for this game again. Spending a whole weekend playing oin the single player mode after buying it previous months ago. I just can't get off it. I spent a whole weekend making a sand fortress and then building random mob traps which I found on YouTube and then going to build annoying machines. The limits on this game are bloody endless and I thank Notch for bringing this real game to the world. A game with no ending (Currently). Just a world where you can dive in and make what you want to happen, happen. Not trying to sound a bit sad here, but this game can make your dreams, reality. "Hey I wanna build a massive roller coaster!" "Minecreaft" "I want to build the world the way I see it" "MineCraft" "I want to explore a world and shape it all out myself" "Minecraft" "I want to ride a pig" "Minecraft!" There is just so many endless possibilities with this game! The game is currently in BETA and there is still so much more to come! What more could Notch throw at us?! 

The game got extra interesting when a great friend (Sophieeee), paid for a rented sever for me and a great bunch of mates top play on, much similar to the single player mode, expect we all get to build together and shape the world the way we want to. So far we've all managed to build our own houses, a minecart bridge connecting some houses together, we have many mines to explore and lava moats! (DAMN THAT LAVA) And we're only just beginning! We enabled the mobs for the first time today and what a madness amount of time that was ! Haha. Instantly we were swarmed with zombies, spiders and many of them SSSSSSSSS creepers! They blew our houses up, killed us insanely amount of times, but we were still bringing back the fight! 

There is nothing more interesting though when you come on again and realise the whole world is on FIRE!?! :O Yes, the lava had been set free and set a lot of the area around us on fire, poor trees </3 We'll re-plant you only to chop you down once more and then re-plant you. It's an endless circle of tree killing. 

In the end though, this game is a very enjoyable and addictive game. I will recommend this game to anyone! 

Well I hope this blog has been a bit informative, it's been a bit more 'What I've been up to on MineCraft'! Nonetheless though, if you want to ask me any questions, I'll try answer the best I can! :)

I recommend a nice visit to the above sites ^

Anyway guys, thank you for taking the time for reading this post. I hope you have enjoyed it and just every other time, happy gaming!

Happy Gaming!

Monday 3 January 2011

I Had A Nightmare...An Undead Nightmare!

Everyone must of had one... You know what I mean! Those nightmares where there is a zombie outbreak and your one of the only survivors in like, your local area and you fight through the zombies, rescuing survivors blah blah usual stuff you do in a zombie outbreak, then you get eaten, die, you wake up! That gutted feeling you get when you wanted that dream to go on and on!

Well Rockstar took the time and dedication to bring out, what I personally believe to be the greatest expansion to any game ever, the Undead Nightmare for Read Dead Redemption and what a expansion it was! I've got to say first, if you don't want any SPOLIERS, buy the game first and then read this blog review afterwards. I can guarantee you will not be wasting your money on this one! It is worth every penny and even more!

Okay, let us get started! You start off when you have just been reunited with your family and John Marston is trying to get his life back to normal again, like he was during the original storyline, but this story has a bit of a twist. Uncle has gone out for a few drinks and hasn't returned yet, it's getting quite late and there is a storm coming about. Poor bugger, yeah? Yeah I think so, because I don't think it was alcohol he was drinking, try more human blood? Uncle has turned into a blood thirsty hound just like the rest of the mindless horde outside. He appears at the house and attacks Abigail, who then attacks Jack. Bad times right? Nah. Not really, John Marston with his trusty rope lasso's and ties up both his wife and son and puts them away in the house for safe keeping. Not understanding anything that goes on, he embarks on a whole new different adventure to the original, where he must find out what is going on and how he can help save his family.

Throughout the Undead Nightmare story, you will come across many of your old favourite characters who each again have some major parts throughout the story and assist John with coming closer to the answers for the causes behind the apocalypse. The characters have gone just as funny, serious, wacky, helpful as they were in the original, some of which will survive, some of which will join the flesh eating monsters. It's always a great feeling watching the annoying bastards get eaten away while John just stands there smirking. Sadly some of the characters who you wish to be slaughtered in front of you, are sadly left alone. Nonetheless though, the characters again have been used greatly, there doesn't seem to be any laziness from Rockstar while putting together this new story. They seemed to have touched upon everywhere that was not either seen or heavily used in the original and given it life and still not missing out on any of the major parts in the game!

The Undead Overrun mode on multi-player, is a survival wave featuring four players who can choose from many different weapon classes who fight off waves of the undead. I find this mode very entertaining and fun, and it does at times rely heavily on team work which is always a great think to see in online gaming, as you don't get much of that nowadays in games. Random coffins spawn at the beginning of waves which feature ammo for all players and holy water for whoever opens the coffin, unique weapons appear throughout the game for a player, the difficulty and amount of undead increases per wave, it's just all out hell when it comes to this mode! It features 15 waves and after you've completed wave 15, it's sudden death where there is no extra ammo and no re-spawns. Also it's just endless undead. So, find yourself a roof, kill the undead until all your ammo runs out, jump around, act like a fool, run from the undead, kill your team mates, do whatever. It's just a heap of laughs when it comes to this mode!

Overall, I reckon this expansion is bloody brilliant! I've finished the main storyline in the Undead Nightmare mode, I just need to finish off a few more things to gain the 100% achievement for it, but seriously I recommend this expansion to anyone who owns Red Dead Redemption and the other expansion packs or to anyone who is a die hard zombie fan! It's one for everyone really!

Happy gaming!